Miss Indy Juneteenth
Congratulations to Rachelle Jackson on becoming the 2024 Miss Indy Juneteenth.
Let this year be one of excitement, beauty, and growth. Welcome to the Indy Juneteenth Family.
For more information on registering for the Miss Indy Juneteenth Pageant, please scroll to the bottom of the page!!!!!
Rachelle Jackson
From Indianapolis, IN, Rachelle Jackson has been crowned Miss Indy Juneteenth in the 4th Annual Miss Indy Juneteenth Scholarship Pageant.
What does Miss Indy Juneteenth Do?
Miss Indy Juneteenth volunteers her time, especially with the youth throughout the Indianapolis area. She represents the freedom to be oneself, and through her selfless acts of helping others, she promotes just that! (Pictured is Miss Indy Juneteenth first time placing the crown on her head!)
Raise Awareness
Pageant contestants get to choose a community issue that they are passionate about. Upon winning, Indy Juneteenth assists them with spreading their wings and bringing awareness to whatever issue that they choose. (Pictured is Miss Indy Juneteenth in her Creative Scene outfit showcasing what it means to be Rachelle Jackson.)
Junior & Little Miss Indy Juneteenth
This year's Junior and Little Miss Indy Juneteenth's are Whitney Wright (in the black and silver dress) and Kennedy Twyman (in blue dress).
Please wish Whitney good luck as she will be traveling to represent the state of Indiana in the National Miss Juneteenth Pageant USA.